sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2011

@MaryLovato - ... s2 ...

“The red heart is protected by this glass and it’s a glass heart, and it can be easily broken, and the shield is broken. But, at the end of the video, the heart is never broken. It had been protected for so long, but at the end of the video, even though it’s shield had been broken down, it’s still standing strong, and that’s kind of how I look at my problems and my issues.” - Demi Lovato
Nunca diga que seu coração foi quebrado ou partido, por que ele realmente nunca foi, há varios vidros protegendo ele, e a cada decepção um deles se quebra. E isso é oque me faz seguir em frente, e me mostra que ninguém nunca vai me derrubar, podem me derrubar, mas eu vou levantar e seguir em frente ! (:

“The red heart is protected by this glass and it’s a glass heart, and it can be easily broken, and the shield is broken. But, at the end of the video, the heart is never broken. It had been protected for so long, but at the end of the video, even though it’s shield had been broken down, it’s still standing strong, and that’s kind of how I look at my problems and my issues.” - Demi Lovato.

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